1. Opening Business (5 min.)
- What makes a teacher great?
- Can be serious, but also know what they're talking about.
- Demonstrating enthusiasm.
- Explain in different ways.
- Provide resources that you need.
- Teachers stay on topic and don't tell you their life story.
- Being prepared - literally doing something the entire time.
- Back-up plan.
2. Review of Previous Meeting Notes from November
3. Actionable Items
3. Actionable Items
- I like it when...
- ACT Practice - this is really important on the ACT.
- Analysis of IAs this past time was really helpful - Re-teach week.
- Templates for Note Cards
- Week outlines - looking ahead.
- Future Story Checkpoints
- I don't like it when...
- We have group projects.
- We don't test reviews.
- AP Level - Worksheets
- Busy work.
- Lack of coherence.
- Hate it when we don't have something to work on.
- I don't like it when we're not taught things on the test.
- Copying off of PowerPoints.
- I don't think we give enough encouragement to kids that need it.
- How do we celebrate students that are not on the list?
- LEADER Prep. Content and Purpose
- Finalizing Culture Survey
- What makes sense?
- How can we make it more real for students?
- Spirit (MW)
- Safety, Care, and Security (AW, NK)
- Physical Appearance (SV, EC)
- Academics (AK, TR)
- Revisiting SMART Goals
- Culture Survey Dates